76MM Snapper's Selection: Jochen Van Cauwenberge

03rd April 2018
Goodwood Road and Racing

76MM was a very emotional event for me as it felt like a goodbye to my friend and highly esteemed colleague Henry Hope-Frost who had unexpectedly passed away the week before.


I always felt like Henry and me were on the same wavelength, a frequency dominated by 'fever' and dedication to celebrate motorsport. It's become clear since then that I was far from the only one to feel like this and it's heartwarming to see so many people pull together to help his family in need. I always loved working at Goodwood together with Henry and am happy that I made sure to tell him on several occasions that having his commentary in my ear made the long days of hard work a lot easier. Henry was part of our group of people that have so much passion for motorsport that there is no other choice but to organize your profession around it and let your livelihood depend on it. 

Because of my work schedule I watched the commemorative minute on Saturday morning on the screens from trackside and then admired the F5000 cars who refused to pull into the pits as the snow started coming down harder and harder. The complete and unreal scene became an appropriate tribute to a man who would not let his passion for motorsport be stopped by anything.

The whole event then seemed to become a fitting test to our 'fever' as we were treated to some extreme weather which all together made this my toughest Goodwood event to date.In general it was fantastic to see how the whole motorsport community of teams, drivers, marshalls, media and spectators all pulled together to make this event happen and continue in good spirit, something which we should all be proud of.

As always at Goodwood the gathering of cars and drivers was among the best you could imagine, topped off with the usual portion of surprise. I particularly enjoyed the Group 5 demo which included some of my all-time favourite cars such as the Porsche 935/77 aka 'Moby Dick' as well as the Bolster Cup and Caracciola Sportwagenrennen which showed absolute driver commitment aboard pioneering machines. 

I hope you enjoy these images as much as I did creating them and please check the donation link for Henry if you haven't done so already.

Photography by Jochen Van Cauwenberge

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